Thursday, April 4, 2013

When Baby Wants Granola Bars, You Make Her Granola Bars

Maddie was "helping" me clean up the kitchen the morning when she toddled over to me with the canister full of Quaker chewy granola bars. It was after breakfast, before nap and nowhere near snack time so I put them back in the cabinet and gave her a couple apple slices to munch on instead. Soon enough she had pulled out the tumbler of oats, a bag of granola, and the tub of cheerios. And I thought to myself... why  not?

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Homemade Pizza Kind of Day

I've been home sick with God knows what for the past week which means two things: I haven't left the house since Saturday and I'm sick of Easter leftovers.

Except the cheese cake. Never, ever sick of the cheese cake.

I try to make sure Maddie's meals are fairly well rounded and because her nap time is kind of weird right now we don't eat lunch together that often so we've fallen into a little bit of a chicken nugget, mac and cheese (Annie's, if that makes it any better), and peanut butter and jelly sandwich kind of rut. Don't get me wrong- the baby-led weaning worked great and she's never been a picky eater. Most things I've put in front of her she's eaten, even if she shows a little hesitation at first. But even I'm tired of these dang nuggets.

So today I decided to try my hand and some homemade pizza. We've done pizzas at the house before with store-bought crusts and let our freak flag fly with the toppings (pesto, prosciutto,  arugula and mozzarella is a big favorite of ours), but I still wasn't feeling up to going to the store. I make our own sandwich bread and have gotten much better with other bread recipes over the last couple of years so I figured I'd give pizza dough a go.

I used this recipe as a base just to get a feel for the ingredient ratios, but I tweaked a few things along the way. Cooking should be like that, though. Go with what you know and adjust when your gut tells you to adjust and you'll be fine. If you're not fine, start over or order some Chinese food. Don't ever feel like you have to follow a recipe ounce by ounce or it's not going to work. Even when it comes to baking - go with your gut.

For the dough:


  • 2.5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 packet active yeast
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon table salt
  • 1.5 cups warm water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
Tools you'll need:
  • Stand mixer (you can knead the dough yourself, it'll just take longer)
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Kitchen scale for accuracy


Yeast -- I make bread often enough that I don't usually bother proofing the yeast anymore. If you're new to bread baking or have a huge stockpile of yeast packets you don't dip into that frequently you should probably add the yeast and sugar to the warm water and let that start working while you combine the rest of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Make sure the water isn't any hotter than about 110 degrees farenheit or you might kill the yeast.

Flour -- The original recipe called for all white flour. I ran out in my canister and didn't feel like opening a new bag to refill it so I used whole wheat flour to make up the rest. We eat mostly whole wheat bread in our house anyway so no one would notice the difference if I had done the whole crust with the wheat flour. So this is another case of "go with your gut." I haven't done much experimenting with spelt or soy flour or any other variation of the stuff, but whatever combination of all-purpose and whole wheat flour you want to use will work just fine with this dough. One thing I strongly, strongly recommend, however, is using a kitchen scale to measure your bulk dry ingredients. There is entirely too much variation in the way we all scoop and measure our flour and you can use three different people, three different brand measuring cups, and get three different measurements and it can really screw with your final result. I bought my scale on Amazon relatively inexpensive and use it every single time I bake.

All that being said, here's how easy this dough really is.

Dump everything in your mixing bowl. Turn it on. Set a timer for 10 minutes. 


Adjust your flour or water if you think the mixture looks too wet or too dry. I did. That's why I'm not rattling off the exact same recipe I based mine off of. Because it wasn't right for me. At first it was way too dry so after about four minutes of mixing to no avail I added a half a cup of extra water and BAM. Dough ball began to form like normal. What does this tell us? The author of the original recipe was measuring his flour differently than me. So we adjust. Adjust, adjust, adjust.

After it was done mixing, I formed it into a ball, coated a bowl with cooking spray and swished the dough ball around in it to coat it, put some plastic wrap on it and threw it in the fridge to slow down the rising process. I did the mixing while Maddie was asleep so I didn't want to actually bake it until she woke up and was ready for lunch.

Once she woke up, I saddled her in her booster seat with an apple and some puffs and went to work on this thing.

First thing I did was cut the dough in half and put half away in the freezer for the next time I get a hankering for pizza. I rolled the dough out into a circle after lightly flouring my surface and rolling pin. It doesn't have to be a perfect circle because it's homemade and that's half the fun of it. I left mine about a quarter of an inch thick but will probably go thinner next time. When you make this at home, do what you want. Use the whole batch and smush it into a baking sheet and make a Sicilian pie. Make a calzone. Make whatever you want. You're not placing your dependency in a delivery guy so try a few different ways before you decide on a favorite.

I sprayed some more cooking spray on the bottom of a baking sheet since I don't own a pizza stone and don't see the need for one since I know how to improvise and I'm cheap.

I put the dough in the preheated oven on 425 for the first five minutes then pulled it out to top it with the sauce and toppings. I didn't have any jarred tomato sauce in my pantry so I decided to make my own. May as well since I already made the dough myself, right?

Ready for this?

Pizza Sauce:

  • One can of diced tomatoes (or crushed, or sauce, or whole if you feel like smushing something today)
  • Seasoning of choice
That's it.

I had some "Sicilian Seasoning" in my pantry, whatever that means, so I used it for the sauce since I was too lazy to pull out individual jars of basil, oregano, parsley, salt and pepper. I mean, make it your own, but these are pretty much your star ingredients of a basic pizza sauce.

I added about a palm full of seasoning and because the acidity of tomatoes bothers me a little, I also added a dolop of sour cream to smooth things out. This is my personal preference and my go-to trick to taming a tomato based sauce without dumping a ton of sugar into it (which is another way to cut the acidity if you prefer) but I don't like my gravies to be too sweet either so sour cream it is. I mixed everything together with my potato masher because that's just what I like to smush my tomatoes with.

I put about a ladle and half of the sauce on my crust, topped it with some mozzarella cheese I had in the fridge and some red peppers and broccoli I had leftover from the veggie tray I made on Easter and threw the whole thing back in the over for another 12 minutes on 375. Again, do what you like. I like my pizza a little bit more well done. Eat it raw for all I care.

This was the final result:

And clearly it had good reviews:

The leftovers are in my fridge calling my name for tomorrow, but I'll have a quick and easy fluffy quinoa dish up (which is what I actually had for lunch today while Maddie napped) unless something else catches my eye.

Do you choose to skip the box and cook with whole foods for your family? What takeout dishes do you replicate for them at home?

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Where I'm Going, Where I've Been and How I Nailed Easter

I haven't looked at this blog as more than a blip on my favorites tab in a long time which is coincidentally about how long it's been since I've written anything of substance. Once I became pregnant with Maddie I was too tired to keep up with baseball and blogging about the Phillies. Barely being able to stay away through an entire game (and forget about those 10 PM starts) was enough to keep me off my game for the entire nine months and 12 days I was waiting around for this hurricane of a kid to get here.

Fast forward a few months and I thought I could make a crack at the mommy-blogging game by starting with my manifesto about going into labor naturally and my resistance to being induced despite a miserable two-week overtime persiod. Six months later I followed up with my grand attempt at baby-led weaning (it was a rousing success, by the way). I guess my head still wasn't in it as that's the last thing I wrote since almost a year ago. That or I've had an infant/baby/toddler keeping me just as tired as I was when I was pregnant.

So now I find myself expecting Babby 2.O' at the end of July (or as I like to call it, mid-August) and trying to make plans for going to back to work, deciding if I'm going to continue full-time or go part-time, stay on my current schedule or adopt a new one entirely, and other things that come with the nine-month freak-out that is "how the hell am I going to do it with two little hurricanes when I feel like I'm barely keeping up with one?"

I guess I'll start chronically my thought process now as well as updates on how I've chosen to raise Madeleine in both conventional and maybe not-so-conventional ways and how we're going to add her little sister into the mix shortly. I'm not sure how long I'll keep it up, but at least the intention is there for now. And maybe if I'm so blessed to be able to stay home with both little munchkins after Mr. Mom is out of the Navy,  I'll have something to do to keep my brain from not turning in PlayDoh mush.

I feel as though I've had a lot of successes as a mom in my short tenure. One of my not-so-shining moments was this past Christmas in which my dinner didn't live up to the Next Food Network Star standard I've set for myself over the years. But Easter? I haven't been able to celebrate Easter since 2006 because of my work schedule and for the first time since then I was free to cook for an Army just because I felt like it and I have to say - I really feel like I nailed it.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Beginning of Baby Led Weaning

A few months ago I decided that when it was time for Maddie to start eating solid food, we would use the "baby led weaning" approach. For those of you not familiar with it, the general idea is that instead of feeding a baby mush, you start them off with solid food from the very beginning and they feed themselves. Still cut the food and soften it enough so that it is baby- and gum-friendly, but let them child pick what they want to eat when presented three or four options and just sit back and watch what happens.

The theory is that since they can't yet chew, they can't choke because they haven't mastered the mechanics of moving food to the back of their mouth. Since they can't choke, it can't hurt them to feed themselves real food. Baby led weaning follows a more natural pattern of development even though it may not seem as natural to some people to not spoon feed pureed mystery meals to their baby.

Baby led weaning isn't supposed to begin until at least six months of age, so I guess I jumped the gun a little bit (Maddie will be six months on July 3rd), but she can sit up unassisted and started to stare (hard) whenever I was eating something so I figured what the heck, let's give it a try.

For breakfast, I made myself scrambled eggs and a banana. So I pulled her high chair up next to my seat at the table and gave her a chunk of banana (which she didn't do much with other than play with for a few minutes before pushing it off to the side) and sprinkled a few cheerios on her tray for her to practice her pincer-grasp. Neither of these foods actually made it to her mouth, but that's OK. Baby led weaning isn't meant to happen overnight. But what was kind of cool was when I gave her a bite of my scrambled eggs. She readily grabbed my hand and fork and put it in her mouth before promptly spitting it back out. But she tried! Considering a week ago she looked down right offended when I offered her a bite of a banana or torn off sheet of tortilla, this is huge progress.

Then at lunch, magic happened. I was eating a sandwich without too much that was baby appropriate, so I quick steamed a carrot in the microwave and cooled it down and cut it into big chunks before putting in on her tray. To my surprise she picked up a big piece and started gnawing away at it for the durration of lunchtime! (I tried to give her a spoon of yogurt after that, but that was apparently pushing my luck as it almost wound up flung in my face. Oh well.)

As I cooked the bolognese sauce for dinner, I gave her some more carrot to chew on since I was already chopping some up and she happily gummed it while she watched me work at the stove. I don't think she actually ingested any food today other than breast milk, but it was so wonderful to watch her begin to explore a whole new culinary world. I may stick with the carrots for a bit so not to push my luck too much, but I have plans to buy some sweet potatoes at the store tomorrow and I have a feeling that they'll go over pretty well once we get them in her mouth.

In any case, I can practically taste the sweet, sweet freedom of finally having my boobs to myself again in the not-so-distant future. And that's what it's really all about it, isn't it?

Have any of you tried baby led weaning? How did you like it? Or better yet, how did your baby like it? Pin It Now!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mother, May I...

...inhabit your belly for an extra two weeks please?

At least, if Maddie could talk I would imagine this is what she's been asking me with every kick, punch, jab and roll I've been lucky enough to endure for an extra 11 days (so far).

When I found out I was pregnant about two years ago (OK... in April), the first thing I asked my doctor was how long she would be willing to let me go past my due date. I realize that most women probably want to get through their pregnancies as quickly as possible, with some even opting for elective inductions or c-sections, but the thought of any type of medical "intervention" beyond some pain killers terrifies me.

For anyone that knows me, I'm definitely not your gung-ho natural birth ambassador. For women that know they're strong enough to do it all on their own, good for them. I still want to be numb from the waist down when the show gets on the road. But to intentionally torture myself with drugs that make labor come on harder and faster that has a 50% chance of ending up in major surgery? No thank you. Some things are better left alone, if you ask me.

When it got down to the wire, my new OB, which I switched to around 30 weeks, was estimating that Maddie may come two or three days late, but she probably wouldn't have me go much more than seven or eight days past my due date. She scheduled an NST (non-stress test) for a few days after my due date to see how both the baby and my body were responding to some extra baking time and since we both passed with flying colors (twice, actually), she decided to let me go another week to see if my body would go into labor on it's own before 42 weeks.

Well here I am at 41 weeks and four days and there's been no sign of labor whatsoever. We'll go back in for another NST tomorrow and then Dr. Nowroozi will decide once and for all what she's doing with me. From the sound of it, it seems like if I'm progressing at all in the land down under she'll schedule me for an induction, but if not we may skip straight to the c-section.

Now of course with Maddie taking her sweet time and no definite answer from the Doc as to when and how this is all going to happen, everyone around me seems to have become more anxious than Brendan and I ourselves. Some people think I must not have calulated my LMP (last menstration) correctly, others think the doctor is a quack for letting me go "so long." When non-doctors question my physician, it makes my skin crawl. Dr. Nowroozi has been practicing obstetrics and gynecology for almost 50 years -- I think she knows what she's doing!

So here are some stats to ease everyone else's mind so Brendan and I can get on with preparing for our little one in peace:

My LMP date is March 17, 2011. How do I know this for sure? I was in Clearwater, at a Phillies game, in the bathroom, yelling at the lady trying to get in my bathroom stall before I had even poked my head out that unless she had a feminine product to spare, she wasn't getting in. We went to three games when I was there. It wasn't the day I wore white shorts, and it wasn't the third game. So trust me, I'm positive I have the date correct.

Based on a 28-day cycle and my LMP, my estimated (key word: ESTIMATED) due date was December 22, 2011. Fun fact: only five percent of babies are born on their due date.

After getting my big fat positive on the pregnancy test, I went for my first ultrasound at six weeks. When ultrasounds are done early enough, usually prior to eight weeks gestation, an ultrasound can be very accurate in predicting the gestational age of the baby. When I went for my six-week appointment, Baby O. was measuring five weeks six days. Not too shabby.

Every appointment after that, which was monthly until I reached 30-weeks, the size of my uterus (or fundal height) was measured using a very simple method - measuring tape. From bottom to top, however many centimeters fat my belly was getting corresponded to how many weeks along I was measuring. Only two appointments out what's been nearly 20 by now have measured something other than which week I actually was. And, to be fair, those were the weeks I went on a Monday or Tuesday instead of my regular Thursday appointment days. Once I measured a week ahead, and once I measured a week behind. I'm splitting the difference before I start splitting hairs, though, and calling it was it is - a perfectly timed progressing baby.

So now that we're fairly certain I'm not harboring a baby with a gestational age of eight months versus nine and a half, let's move on to why I haven't yet induced and why I'm a lot more comfortable with that than a lot of other people seem to be.

We've already seen how only five percent of babies are born on their actual due date. Well, about half of all pregnancies go beyond that magic date. Furthermore, about seven percent of babies are born at 42-weeks or later.

Yes, there are plenty of reasons why women induce not too much longer after their due date has passed. For many, it's because the doctor has recommended it due to either the baby or the mother's bodies simply no longer responding positively to the pregnancy. Perhaps mom has developed preeclampsia (or pregnancy induced hypertension) which can cause complications in labor and delivery, or maybe the baby is just plain old getting too big to try delivering the traditional way. So far, neither of these things have happened to us. I don't have gestational diabetes, my blood pressure took a temporary spike but calmed down after a week or two of observation, Maddie's heart rate does not drop when I have my fun little practice contractions (or Braxton Hicks contractions), she has plenty of amniotic fluid to swim around it, and have I mentioned the fact that I don't want to be induced if there's no medical reason to?

On the other hand, there are some moms out there that, in their words, simply can't stand the thought of being pregnant anymore, or want to pick a certain birth date for their child (seriously) and happen to have a willing physician that will perform an elective induction. Taking the baby out too early scares the daylights out of me, and here's why:
  • Approximately 50% of induced labors end up in a c-section because the mother's body was simply not ready to progress enough for a vaginal delivery.
  • The medicine administered during an induced labor is meant to bring contractions on harder and faster to progress and dilate the cervix. These "unnatural" contractions can cause the baby to go into distress. Their heart rate may drop with each contraction, they may not be recieving enough oxygen, etc. The mom also becomes more exhausted faster leaving her with little energy to push when the time comes - all of these things can lead to a c-section.
  • The risk of infection for both mother and baby increases dramatically. Typically when you are induced, you water is broken for you. Most practitioners recommend that mom goes no longer than 24-hours with broken membranes to reduce the risk of infection both in herself and the baby. These bacterial infections can lead to complications beyond birth that could have been avoided by allowing the body to progress naturally or having skipped the medical induction and gone straight to a c-section.
Of course there are risks with a c-section as well, but in my not-so-professional opinion, I feel that a lot of the complications and risks of a medical induction can be avoided especially if it's known the mother's body simply isn't going to favor a traditional delivery.

So long story made longer, this is why we have chosen to simply wait out mother nature. Of course we would like to avoid a major surgery if at all possible, simply because, hello, c-sections are major-freaking-surgery. But why even opt for surgery if everyone is healthy and (relatively) happy even at 42 weeks?

Because as high risk as a c-section may be in terms of recovery, leaving a baby to cook longer than necessary is even riskier. Point blank, the placenta may or may not simply stop working after 42 weeks of pregnancy. The organ that is the baby's lifeline may fail. That is huge. I would rather deal with a scar and some stitches than risk my child's life by either taking her out too early or letting her bake too long. If my doctor thinks 42 weeks is just right, then 42 weeks it will be.

So hopefully you all feel better knowing that one way or another Madeleine will be here by this time next week. And of course, when I know what's going on, so will all of you. But until then I hope everyone can understand or at least respect why we're choosing to wait before we drag her out kicking and screaming (literally!).

But if she decided to make an appearance, say, today, that wouldn't be so bad either ;-) Pin It Now!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolve is for Carpets

As you all begin making your way back into the office this week, make it a point to ask ten of your coworkers what their New Years resolution was. I guarantee at least nine of them will answer with some variation of diet or exercise. Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to better yourself, and what better time to start that journey than now, but this year I couldn't be one of those people making the same old commitment I always do.

Here I sit, 41+ weeks pregnant, and the last thing I'm allowed to do right now is hop back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon (which, for the record, has always worked well for me and I highly recommend it). Once Maddie is born, which should thankfully be sometime this week, I do intend to get back into the swing of things as best I can (especially since we don't know right now if I'll have to deliver via c-section or not yet), but zooming back to the gym definitely isn't the first thing on my mind right now.

What I've been engrossed in for about the last three weeks has been a severe case of nesting. My house is as spotless as its ever been, almost everything that can be organized has been placed in plastic bins, labeled with my spiffy new label maker, sorted into magazine files, purged from the home completely, donated, trashed, recycled, upcycled, you name it. If there were a poster child for people who actually follow through with the things they've pinned on Pinterest, it would be me. Point blank, with a baby more stubborn than her mom and dad combined, I've had a lot of time to obsessively Martha-dize my home while I wait not-so-patiently for her arrival.

But circling back to New Years resolutions, I couldn't think of much I was willing and/or able to commit to right this moment other than continuing with my new ways. They say if you do something for 21 days in a row it becomes a habit. That's all well and good, but I'm fairly certain my mind-over-matterness can out-lazy the pants off a well established habit any day. So instead of resolving to change my eating habits (which have to be adjusted to accommodate a breast-feeding baby anyway) or resolving to go to the gym four days a week, I'm just going to keep Resolving my carpets.

I'm sure with a brand new baby in the house (in addition to the cat, dog and husband I already look after every day), keeping up with my cleaning schedule (because of course there's an excel spreadsheet involved) is going to be a bit of a struggle. But having a clean and organized home, even if I only get to go through the motions a few days a week, will help cut down on my stress level severely. We enter our house through the kitchen, and when the kitchen is a mess it sends shock waves to my brain every time I walk through that door. I'll have enough to worry about once baby is here, so I'm pretty sure having my home as spic and span as possible will help keep my mind less on the dust bunny in the corner and more on the baby in the play yard.

I plan to use this blog as a medium for my first year as a new mom, my three months as a bonafied housewife before it's time to head back to work post-maternity leave, and the occasional mental breakdown I'm sure I'll have from having to drop my daughter off at daycare three days a week. And once baseball season starts back up I'll be mixing in some of my freelance columns as they're published as well, if nothing more than the simplicity of keeping everything I write in one spot. Again, organization and simplicity, my friends.

Heck, anything to keep my mind off of the fact that whether or not I'm willing to admit it, I'm a grown up now is welcome.

Holy crap, I'm going to be a mom.

I need to go vacuum something. Pin It Now!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jimmy Rollins Breaks His Silence

Originally published by NBC Philadelphia

After Friday night’s heartbreaking loss to the St. Louis Cardinals, both Shane Victorino and Jimmy Rollins declined to speak to the media leaving Ryan Howard to do most of the talking once he changed out of his uniform for the last time in 2011. Rollins declared he would speak out on Tuesday instead.

Almost without missing a beat, Victorino took the more modern route of reflecting on the Phillies season via his Twitter account, from thanking the fans for their continued support to wishing Howard well after he ruptured his Achilles tendon in his last at bat of the year.

Rollins, on the other hand, waited until Sunday afternoon to make a peep about anything Phillies.
He shared the message “Thanks to all the Phillies Nation that helped to make 2011 such a wonderful experience to be a part of! I love you all.” on both his Facebook fan page and Twitter account. The response was overwhelmingly positive; fans asked him to consider signing on with the Phillies for the next leg of his carrier and thanked him for his contributions in the division series.

As far as what comes next? Well that’s all going to be a matter of hearsay and speculation until the ink is dried on whatever contract free-agent-to-be Rollins winds up signing next, be it with the team he’s grown with in Philly or with a team in need of a short stop closer to the town he grew up in such as the Giants.

J-Roll has played 12 seasons with the Phillies receiving multiple bids to the All-Star Game, Gold Glove awards, and winning an MVP in 2007. He batted .268/.338/.399 in 2011, and led the team in the 2011 NLDS batting .450/.476/.650 along with Chase Utley (.438/.571/.688).
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