Friday, July 22, 2011

Beat It! (The Heat, That Is)

Originally published by NBC Philadelphia.

As the Phillies are gearing up for 80’s Retro Night at Citizens Bank Park Friday evening, ballpark attendees only have their mind on one thing: how will they survive the heat?

Roy Halladay
certainly felt the heat Monday evening in Chicago as he took himself out of the game in the fifth inning suffering from noticeable heat exhaustion and dehydration. Many news articles and blog posts reminisce about the game with notes that perhaps Halladay is human, and not a machine after all.

Last time I checked, machines tend to malfunction in extreme heat and humidity.

Halladay is known as one of the most well-conditioned players in Major League Baseball – arriving for Spring Training workouts hours ahead of time, hitting the weight room after his perfect game, always seen running up and down the stairs at the ballpark between starts.  He is the model athlete, hydrating before, during and after workouts and games with water, Gatorade and Pedialyte. But when temperatures are planted firmly in the triple digits, and heat advisories are popping up all over the country as the system holds more than half of the country hostage, even the best of the best need a break now and then.

ESPN investigated into Halladay’s white-hot statistics and found that since 2004, when the temperature is at least 90 degrees, Doc’s ERA rises with the mercury, averaging over a full run higher. He also gives up at least one extra home run per scorching hot game. One Monday, he allowed three runs on seven hits including a home run to Armaris Ramirez in four innings of work.
Headed to the ballpark this evening? Here are some tips from the Red Cross to keep you in your seat and away from the emergency room:
  • Stay hydrated – And no, not by drinking more beer (sorry, beer guys!). Try to steer clear of any diuretics such as alcohol, iced teas and coffees, and sodas. Bring a backpack full of ice water (unopened) to save some money, or if you buy from the vendors, be sure to tip generously – the guys in yellow are going to be working hard tonight!
  • Wear light clothing – Unless you have shelled out the money for an authentic Cool Base jersey, skip the polyester replicas tonight and opt for a shirsey instead. Wearing your best 80’s gear to the game? Don’t forget the sweatbands!
  • Stay in the shade – Citizens Bank Park is heralded for its open concept design, and there’s hardly a spot on the concourse you can’t see the game from. If you’re sitting on the first base side of the park or in the front rows of the terrace decks especially, try to stay under cover until the later innings.
  • Be aware of your surroundings – Be a good Samaritan and keep an eye on the fans around you. If anyone starts to exhibit severe signs of heat stroke, contact an usher, text for help (text “PHILLIES” followed by the issue and location to 69050), call Guest Services at 215-218-5469, or, if able, help get them to a first aid station immediately (behind sections 105 and 318).
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